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REALZ Nutrition Plan

12 Week Customized Nutrition Plan




This nutrition plan is CUSTOMIZED to your needs.  This is NOT a cookie cutter diet that is handed out to everyone. This is custom tailored to foods that you like to eat! (No sorry, not a cookies and cake diet!) 


You will recieve an entire list of healthy foods from which to select which you like or do not like. From this, your nutrition plan will be tailored and built toward your goals. 


You will also get insight into some healthy ways to prepare your food and what you can eat while you are on the "road" and don't have your home cooking with you!


You will have weekly check ins where your progress is evaluated. 


Should you wish to continue the plan beyond the 12 weeks you can renew the plan or pay per month at $150/month.

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REALZ Training Plan



There is more to training than just moving weight and burning calories (although that is involved). There is a specalized biomechanics involved in each motion that helps you to TRAIN the muscle and not just move the weight. 


You will recieve several workouts per bodypart or grouped bodyparts per training day.  In addition, a video library of the various exercises included in your plan will be added to the website to allow you to VISUALLY see and hear how to move the weight to get the maximum results for your time in the gym.

Who wants to waste time in the gym? With this Specalized Plan tailored to your goals, you can bolster your efficency on your training and reach the apex of your goals.




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Nutrition and Training Combination Package



Here, you get the best of both worlds. Nutrition custom tailored to what you need as well as a training program. It's a combination of the two plans listed above, marked down at a REALZ Combo discount! 








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Contest Prep Clients are taken on a limited basis and both Sabrina and I are available for it. Typically, for myself (Louis), I only like to work with specific clients I feel comfortable with and have a good chemistry with. 


Sabrina is great for prepping those who want to be champions - espeically at Figure and Women's Physique. She specializes in posing (2x IFBB Best Poser). If you aren't local to San Diego - you can always do SKYPE sesssions (for a fee) during your prep to better enhance your posing!


Please contact us for pricing as we do limited availability on Contest Prep! 


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